ADM (Amylum Bulgaria EAD) “Construction of Millhouse, Refinery and Utility Systems for Capacity Increase”
PROJECT NAME: “Construction of Millhouse, Refinery and Utility Systems for Capacity Increase” on the site of ADM (Amylum Bulgaria EAD) - Razgrad located in Zoned Land Property No. XXII, Area 4, Plot ID: 61710.506.26, Razgrad, Bulgaria. Stage 2: Millhouse Construction; Stage: 8 Alcohol 1090/Fermentation/ and Stage 32: Construction of Ethanol Storage Facility (1110) and Unloading Bay (1120). Carrying out of the Road Works and the external Water and Sewerage (W&S) networks
EMPLOYER: ADM (Amylum Bulgaria EAD)
PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION: 07/2019 – 09/2020 - 04/2021