Rehabilitation of Road SHU 1188 (Road І-7 within the Section from “Shumen” Intersection to “V. Preslav” Intersection) - Shumen - Lozevo (SHU 2005), from km 0+212 to km 0+ 280, Including the Adjacent Structure on the Territory of the Municipality Shum

PROJECT NAME: Rehabilitation of Road SHU 1188 (Road І-7 within the Section from “Shumen” Intersection to “V. Preslav” Intersection) - Shumen - Lozevo (SHU 2005), from km 0+212 to km 0+ 280, Including the Adjacent Structure on the Territory of the Municipality of Shumen

EMPLOYER: Municipality of Shumen

PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION: 06/2022 – 11/2022